Why Are Flat Tags Important for Embossing Machines?

Why Are Flat Tags Important for Embossing Machines?

Blank metal tags are used in conjunction with auto-feed embossing machines to produce a durable and prominently marked form of metal identification. To ensure auto-feed embossing machines function properly, the blank tags fed into the machine must be flat. Flat tags prevent a slew of potential issues with the embossing process. Any significant deviation from the flat tag can jam...

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Breaking Down the Properties of Brass Metal Material

Breaking Down the Properties of Brass Metal Material

Brass metal has been used by mankind since the time of the ancient Greeks. Indeed, in Shakespearean times, brass wire was so important to the wool trade that it was smuggled in from mainland Europe when one company had a monopoly over its production. Thankfully you don't need to get your brass on the black market these days, but the metal is...

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What Are the Different Types of Aluminum Alloys?

What Are the Different Types of Aluminum Alloys?

From around 95 of the metallic elements, aluminum remains the second most abundant within the earth's crust.  While this valuable metal has several uses of its own, it's efficiency can be improved when combined with other elements to create different types of aluminum alloys. Some of these element pairings include copper, magnesium, and zinc. Now, each of these alloys have their own strengths...

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Blank Inspection Tags: Track Inspections and Repairs

Blank Inspection Tags: Track Inspections and Repairs

Blank tags are not only used for marking equipment and tracking inventory. Blanks are commonly used for equipment inspections. Using Tags for Inspections Tags can be marked by inspectors, or provide information that will be useful during the inspection. For example, the date a piece of machinery was last inspected. This can be added every year by the inspector, or...

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Stainless Steel: What Makes the Grade?

Stainless Steel: What Makes the Grade?

There are over 50 different grades of stainless steel in the world. Each has its own set of unique properties and useful applications. Certain industries tend to prefer specific grades of the material to meet tolerances or provide a desired effect. For metal identification purposes, selecting the right material is crucial for a long lasting solution. Three of the most...

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Blank Metal ID Tags by US Quick Tags